Saturday, 4 April 2020

Stabilising a bag

A lady of my sewing course wanted to make a bag that's staying upright for easy filling and that is made of waxed cloth. Coincidential I had the same fabric as her only in a different color (result of grouped orders to save shipping fees :-)) So I used mine to make also a bag in the dimentions she wanted. It's 35x15cm and 40cm high. It's not a thick waxed cloth, so not stable enough to stay upright by itself you can see!
Since the "swedish furniture store" stopped producing my absolute favorite canvas that I used for year on many many bags for stabilisation, I haven't found a real alternative jet! I really don't like iron-on stabilisation! My experiences are not so good as it sometimes comes off in parts and then you have kind of bubbles on the surface (but that is only my oppinion, I know that there are many people using it without problems). So for this bag I needed a new solution. I tried out Style-Vil from Vlieseline! It is quite thick and maybe a bit too much for a simple bag like this. First, I only wanted to use it on the small sides and the bottom of the lining, but it still fell to the middle so I added a bizarr looking stripe on the upper edge of the lining.
Kind of funny looking inner bag! The style-Vil isn't glueing. I added it with some wide quilted meanders (and added one or two flowers for fun).
This is how the finished bad looks like.
Staying upright like wanted, but for me it's a bit too much case and not really a bag. Need to see what my student says (when the confinement time is over one day). This won't be a technique I will use again, but I am quite impressed with the style-Vil that's really strong though soft in handling and easy to sew!

A bientôt,

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