Wednesday 3 April 2019

4th water-color-card-post

I have to show again some cards I made with water-color elements. This time I have been with a friend. She wanted to create a condolence card. Not a very fun subject, but in a creative way the evening had been a good possibility to try something that is not in my ordinary color scheme. 
You will ask "??? She is always drawing in black and white!" 
True, but when I use colors, it is very hard for me to not add warm colors or bright contrasts.
As I always do we started coloring some backgrounds. Already that was difficult. When I am in need of a condolence card I normally make them in relation to the deceased and his family and then I know how much and which colors are appropriate. I never showed those cards here as they are very personal.

My friend liked the mini-mountain-sunset card I showed in my first water-color-post and so we first made one like that only a bit bigger. As there had been a little bit of red in it, it wasn't as hard for me to paint.
But then I tried to stay with sombre colors and stuck quickly with inspirations. I made one in blue a little bit like one of the birthday cards that I think is ok:
And in the end of the evening after some struggling I managed to do one that is (if we are talking in school terms) fulfilling the demanded subject and on top of it I like it.
Only three cards came out from 2,5h of crafting and talking. And of course lots of scraps I didn't used. 
I had been in need of a birthday card for a new born boy in the neighborhood and made this:
Some of the colorful balloon circles have been lying around with the unused scraps and suddenly I saw some more cards:

The week after my friend and me meet again and made some more cards, this time without a theme. I tried out my new color pencils to not always draw in black..

And last I glued a piece of testing paper on a little card. It's maybe a page-marker.
That's it for the moment with water-color cards. I can't talk jet about my latest project, but I went back to acrylic paint ... will show the first something next week! Hope you pass by then! :-)

A bientôt,

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