This kind of art you need to try! So much fun! Have a look at this little video I found on Pinterest some weeks ago. It looks easy and technically is, but in reality it took me quite a while to figure out the consistence of the color, the thickness of the thread and the pressure you give on the papers while pulling the string.
I wasn't alone testing. Younger son and a friend of him were with me. This is what we produced in one hour in the late afternoon and also what I did with the results later. Warning: lots of pictures!
Little son lost interest after doing two cards:
Little sons friend was enthusiastic and developed her own style by using very little color on the thread, but making several layers one over the other. She also added some color with a brush and I got nearly jealous seeing how easy she created very unique modern art, without even thinking about it. It is not at all like the example but I like it a lot!
I tried to figure out how to obtain the clearest result, without smearing zones!
This one isn't great. Apparently on some zones of the thread there had been too much color. When I started working with my prints the next day, I didn't want to give it in the bin and put some text on it. It's still nothing I would give someone as a gift or so, but with the red letters the ugly spots are no longer in my focus.
yes, it's the same picture, but one is a photo and the other is scanned.
I printed some cards that after I cut in pieces and used each element by itself.
The nicest element I cut out and used it for this week's page in my self-made art calendar (new project of 2019, maybe I tell more about later, when it worked, but the idea is a calendar, that I create a little further every day, but it's not an art-journal as I'm also writing about what's going on each day).
Another one I decorated with some drawings. The top part reminded me of a leaf and I interpreted the lines around as spraying water. I shouldn't have added the words.
The three other blue pieces I cut out and glued them onto blue cardstock. I thought some white drawings would be nice with it, but finally I think it takes too much away the attention from the printed elements. At least it is like that when I see it in reality, here on the scan it looks quite nice.
The red print is the best and stayed simple on a red background. Will use it as a post-card.
I made one other large card with 5 pulled string elements that are all very good. The only thing I will do differnt the next time is letting more space below the elements. It looks like I cut the card in half.
I had the negativ prints on scrap paper that we used to put over the card with the string before pulling the thread. I cut the elements out, glued them into my scatch book and added some music. This is so far my favorite!
Now I need to produce more pulled-string-Art! There are probably hundreds of possibilities to use them and I still don't have the impression I jet got it. They are pretty leaving them "natural", but I like to do some drawings on top too. Need to see, how much drawing is nice and how much is too much!