Back in November I had a very nice evening with a creative friend, just talking about sewing and diy and exchanging ideas. Suddenly we had the table full of stuff and tried out an idea I found on pinterest and thought this might be great little gifts for Christmas.
We made only one fish and two dogs that very evening, but I couldn't stop myself and the following weeks I started producing and testing new forms.
There are lots and lots of fishes of all kinds:
"Normal" ones, very small ones and piranhas!
I made some more dogs for the dog owners of my family and friends.
I invented a mouse pattern (this is the only shape I didn't see on pinterest before, all others I found alike in the internet)
And this are the cutest teddy bears.
If you have leather scraps this is a great project to use them! You won't stop making more and more! But it's not necessary to stop, as everybody had lots and lots of cables around, haven't you? We have one drawer looking like spaghetti salad inside. It didn't get much tidier now, as most of the cable ties I made are now with new owners.
Do you want to make some yourself? I had to invent all patterns myself, as I only found pictures on pinterest, but mostly of shops selling the cable clips, so I could get the idea, but never saw a pattern. You can download all of my patterns here:
Have fun with it!
A bientôt,