This has been a long summer break that I took! But I have been so busy!
You ask with what?
Patchwork! Mainly patchwork!
And I guess now you want to see photos of nice blankets or wall hangings or at least tops that are awaiting quilting! Sorry, it hasn't been that kind of patchwork. My husband and me did floor patchworking! Not creative, not colorful, but dusty and heavy and it seemed to never end!
We renovated our basement floor this summer and installed a floor heating system! It took much more time than estimated, mainly because of delivery delays for nearly all materials. But after 6 weeks we finaly have our new floor and we love it! Also we repainted the walls and everything feels new and fresh. Of course we are still in the process of finishing all the little corners that rests always after you finish the main work and putting back all furnitures and stuff takes also a while. But the end is in sight.
So hopefully I soon will be able to blog about some creative things!
SU soon!
A bientôt,