I don't want to see or sew any bags or pouches in the next three weeks!
Since the Christmas market I have been dealing with all the commands I had and there was always a new command coming in, when I was thinking I had finished nearly everything. (You know: I can't say "no") I mean, it is nice there are people who like my stuff so much, but for example the bags: There have been several in my shop since August and no one bought one. Then when they have all been gone on the market, several new ones have been ordered. The combination of pink and grey/white has been the most popular and I run out of that specific fabric.
The next very demanded objects have been the "trousse maquillage", the leather pouches for make-up and stuff like that.
One client ordered for her daughter an photo album fitting the red pouch with the horses. Unfortunately I didn't had enough of that ribbon, so I had to do some applications in the same style. Hope she will like it. (it is probably not so visible on the photo, but the horses on the ribbon have all dots, this is why I added dots to the album cover, too)
Orders like the album cover are taking time and effort, as I have to think about every step. The advantage of bags is, that I can sew them (since the twentieth or so) even half asleep. This I can't do for a kitchen set for an adult man and a warming cushion filled with cherry-stones, that can be put on like a belt to warm the back. I also finished a pair of slippers for a friend who ordered them already three month ago (upps).
Today I finished the last order: a children-construction-side-play-belt with a holder for a mini driller, a pocket for the small pieces and a loop to put the hammer. My youngest has been so kind to test it out.
I also made already one handmade Christmas present! As my grandma is not online, I can show it. It's a hip bag! She is not very stable any more and needs to have her hands free when going out for shopping.
And from now on, I am on sewing vacation. I only want to sew for me, my kids or things I wanted to try out for a while. We will see how that plan is working out. I am sure latest on Friday I am doing something I didn't plan :-)
A bientôt,Jane (fatigue!)